Topaz Cemetery Association

Important Notices

There are three notices below:

1) Covid-19 changes effective November 23, 2020

2) Covid-19 protocols at BLMP as of May 04, 2020

3) Covid-19 cemetery visitation protocols as of May 17, 2020



1 - Covid-19 changes effective November 23, 2020


The number of attendees at an unveiling or funeral is now limited to a maximum of ten (10) people. This will be in effect until at least December 18, 2020.



2 - COVID-19 Pandemic Protocols effective May 04, 2020


The undersigned cemeteries (the “Toronto Cemeteries Group” or “TCG”) are concerned about the health and safety of all individuals visiting our cemeteries, the families whom we serve, funeral directors, and our staff.  We have been declared an essential service by government, and we must therefore take a very aggressive approach to COVID-19 so that we can continue to operate in these challenging times. In compliance with the CDC, the World Health Organization and protocols determined by our Federal, Provincial, and local governments, TCG continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation.

TCG recognizes that the provincial government’s restrictions on the numbers of individuals that may gather for funerals and our protocols that have been implemented over the last several weeks have had seriously impacted families who are not allowed the opportunity to grieve in the manner and by way of custom as had been done before the pandemic arose. While acknowledging the need to keep our cemetery staff safe and to participate in helping to keep the general public safe as well, having fluid protocols means that our restrictions must, with changing times and updated medical information, move in both directions as long as the private and public good are maintained. Recent developments such as the lockdowns of many hospitals and long-term care facilities, the public’s general adherence to physical distancing, have led to the changes that are being made now with our protocols. However, it must be noted that these protocols may be modified at any time as the situation changes.

Accordingly, we are again modifying our COVID-19 protocols with respect to a deceased who has died from COVID-19 or is strongly suspected to have died from COVID-19.

Effective May 04, 2020, and subject to change, BLMP will be operating according to the following protocols:

Our Cemeteries:

BLMP’s cemeteries will be closed to the public and will only open for scheduled graveside funerals. All other types of visits to the cemetery will not be permitted.

Burial Services:

If someone has died from COVID-19 or is strongly suspected to have died from COVID-19, his/her burial will be carried out with only Clergy and Cemetery and Funeral Chapel staff in attendance. Anyone exposed to that deceased person may not attend the graveside service, and they will not be permitted on our cemetery grounds.  Failure to comply with this directive will result in immediate summonsing of the police as a public and health emergency situation, and criminal charges shall be laid.

The only exception to the foregoing paragraph will be in the case where a particular family member or representative(s) of the bereaved family presents the Funeral Chapel and the Cemetery administration  with a TCG form completed by the Ontario licensed physician involved in the care of the deceased leading up to the death, and/or the chief administrator of the hospital or long-term care facility certifying:

 i) that the proposed attendee is not someone who has a quarantine obligation pursuant to the Government of Ontario or other legislative COVID-19 protocols, or

ii) the facility was in a strict lockdown with no visitation whatsoever from any person for a period of at least 2 weeks prior to the decedent’s death.

We will continue to perform all scheduled graveside burials at the cemeteries, subject to specific protocols regarding social distancing, protections for attendees and cemetery staff, and limitations regarding gatherings (currently a maximum of 10 people for non-COVID-19 related deaths, including clergy, but not including cemetery staff or the funeral chapel staff). At this time, the cemetery building will not be accessible to the public which includes our public washrooms. Funeral Chapels working with BLMP will be updated regarding changes to our COVID-19 protocols.

BLMP Administrative Office:

BLMP’s Administrative Office will be closed for the time being. BLMP will not be scheduling appointments or meetings at our office until further notice. The public may still contact us by using e-mail at or by telephone at 416.223.1373.

BLMP reserves the right to modify these protocols at any time. We appreciate your co-operation as we do our best to mitigate the risk of exposure to COVID-19 while at the same time servicing the Community in these challenging times.

BLMP COVID-19 Protocols for Internments

Effective May 04, 2020, the gates of BLMP’s cemeteries will be locked and will only be opened by our cemetery staff, and only to permit entry for scheduled graveside funerals.

We require the Funeral Chapel to notify the Cemetery if someone has died from COVID-19 or is strongly suspected to have died from COVID-19. His/her burial will be carried out with only Clergy and Cemetery and Funeral Chapel staff in attendance. To be clear: anyone exposed to that deceased person may not attend the graveside service, and they will not be permitted on our cemetery grounds. Failure to comply with this directive will result in immediate summonsing of the police as a public and health emergency situation, and criminal charges shall be laid.

The only exception to the foregoing paragraph will be in the case where a particular family member or representative(s) of the bereaved family presents the Funeral Chapel and the Cemetery administration with a TCG form completed by the Ontario licensed physician involved in the care of the deceased leading up to the death, and/or the chief administrator of the hospital or long-term care facility certifying:
i) that the proposed attendee is not someone who has a quarantine obligation pursuant to the Government of Ontario or other legislative COVID-19 protocols, or
ii) the facility was in a strict lockdown with no visitation whatsoever from any person for a period of at least 2 weeks prior to the decedent’s death.

The Funeral Chapel must prepare a deceased person who has died of COVID-19 or is strongly suspected to have died of COVID-19, with the required protocols.

Graveside funerals for non-COVID-19 related or suspected deaths will be limited to 10 persons (including Clergy but excluding Cemtery and Funeral Chapel staff).

Individuals attending graveside funerals must remain in their vehicles until they are instructed by BLMP cemetery staff and/or Funeral Chapel Staff.

Individuals at the service must stand at least 2 metres (6 feet) away from the grave, with a physical distance of at least 2 metres (6 feet) apart.

All individuals who will be attending the funeral service must be listed with their contact information on an attendee list. This list must be provided to the Cemetery administration at least two hours prior to the funeral service. The list is required should tracing of infection become necessary.

Funeral directors/assistants shall wait until the casket is lowered and cemetery staff have removed the lowering device and are at least 2 metres (6 feet) from the grave before allowing individuals to approach the grave.

Funeral directors/assistants will direct families to be at least 2 metres (6 feet) from one another and will use best efforts to remind families during the service. At all times, visitors and funeral chapel staff must always remain at least 2 metres (6 feet) away from cemetery staff.

Only 2 shovels will be provided during the service.  There is to be no passing of shovels. Any individual who wishes to participate in shoveling may do so as long as physical distancing is maintained throughout the shoveling. We are expecting that the total attendance time within the cemetery grounds for any graveside funeral will be 30 minutes or less. Attendees will be expected to complete the service and return to their vehicles and leave the cemetery, after which time, if necessary, the cemetery staff will complete the filling of the grave.

All pallbearers must wear face masks and rubber/latex disposable gloves and anyone who handles the cemetery’s shovels must also be wearing such gloves.

No unveilings, nor grave visitations will be permitted until further notice as these are not considered to be essential attendances in the current circumstances.

Our cemetery building will be closed to the public, including our public washrooms.

To mitigate risk of transmission, we will not be providing any washing cups or water at our outdoor hand washing stations at the cemeteries. Visitors should bring their own water for ritual hand washing after their visits.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation with this latest protocol revision. These protocols are subject to change at any time. Please contact Lisa Benhaim, BLMP’s General Manager, with any questions.

Thank you very much for your co-operation

Issued: May 04, 2020


3 - Cemetery Visitation Protocols - May 17, 2020



Please carefully read this notice is in entirety. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at  Thank you.

Our cemeteries’ gates will remain locked for most of the day, and will of course, be locked during the evenings and overnight. However, we will soon begin having limited and controlled hours for visits to our cemeteries. We may have security personnel to assist us to ensure that physical distancing and the laws regarding gatherings are being adhered to at all times. If there are breaches of physical distancing during these hours, or breaches with respect to the number of people who seek to gather, or if we receive medical or other advice that we must immediately suspend these limited hours for visits, we will again close for the entire day, and we will only unlock our cemetery gates for burials which remain our first priority in terms of servicing the Jewish community.

Plans for Limited Reopening of Our Cemeteries

During the time we first locked our gates throughout the day, which was nearly two months, we were able to serve our community when called upon to bury those who have passed away. Unfortunately, during the latter part of March, and through all of April, we were faced with many more burials than usual due to COVID-19’s impact on our community. We recognize how difficult the cemeteries being closed has been for the families and the community that we serve. Our priority has been, and continues to be, our ability to be able to service burials in a timely and efficient manner. But, it now also appears to us that we may soon be able to begin to relax some of the restrictions that have been in place at our cemeteries so that we could all do our part to help “flatten the curve”.  The safety of our staff is most important to us.

Therefore, commencing Sunday, May 17, 2020, and until further notice, our cemeteries will be open for visits, for limited hours, as follows:

Sunday to Thursday 4:30 PM until 7:30 PM.

We are closed on all Saturdays for Shabbat, and also close on any religious holy days such as Shavuot (May 29 and 30).

During all other times, our cemeteries’ gates will otherwise be locked and entry to visitors will not be permitted other than in the case of funerals in accordance with our existing Covid-19 protocols.

For our mutual protection, our cemetery staff will not be available to meet with the public. Our building and washrooms will not be open to the public. No handwashing stations will be available for use. During these limited visiting hours, we may have security personnel who will help us to manage our visitors, keep order, and monitor the cemetery grounds. 

No monument unveiling services will be permitted to be held during the permitted times to visit.

Before you consider visiting our cemeteries, please carefully review the questions below:

  1. Do you exhibit at least two of any of these symptoms of COVID-19 such as having a sore throat, a hoarse voice, difficulty swallowing, any fever, decrease or loss of taste or smell, chills, headaches, unexplained fatigue or malaise, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, runny nose or sneezing with an unknown cause, or nasal congestion with an unknown cause?
  1. Over the last 14 days, have you come in close contact with someone who was confirmed to have COVID-19, or is suspected to have died from COVID-19?
  1. Are you over 65 years of age and experiencing any of the following: delirium, falls, acute functional decline, or worsening of chronic conditions?
  1. Do you need to be in quarantine or be self-isolating according to Government issued protocols?
  1. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 21 days, but do not have any symptoms?

 If you answered ‘YES’ to any, or all of the above questions, please DO NOT visit our cemeteries as you may be putting others’ lives in danger.

 If you answered ‘NO’ to all of the above questions, you may consider visiting our cemeteries, during the limited hours. However, please ensure that:

  1. Physical distancing of six (6) feet between people (unless part of a household unit) is followed at all times while at our cemetery;
  1. You wear a face mask of any sort (medically approved masks are not required); and
  1. You do not gather in a group which exceeds the current legal maximum of five people in a non-funeral setting.

The Provincial laws must be followed awhile at our cemeteries. If there are violations of these laws by any visitors, those visitors will be asked to immediately leave our grounds and we may cancel visiting hours entirely, and close our cemeteries once again and only open for burials.

Please visit our cemetery’s website  for any further updates about our limited visiting hours and operations. Each cemetery’s direct line may also be called for regular updates on our operations.

We thank you for your co-operation and understanding during these very difficult times.


May 7, 2020


Bathurst Lawn Memorial Park

(A member of the Toronto Jewish Cemeteries Group)